Community Bereavement & Sickness Support (ComBASS) Trust Fund (Fraternity)
Mindful of the inevitability of death; Mindful of the high cost of funeral expenditure;
Mindful of the state of grief and pain brought about by the loss of a loved one, often aggravated by the lack of finances;
Mindful of the possibility of illness leading to extensive periods of hospitalization;
And because grief and sickness happen and support matters;
In consideration of the foregoing therefore, the Community Bereavement And Sickness Support (ComBASS) Inc. (Fraternity) was formed and set up for the purpose of supporting members and their families in times of loss and grief by building up their emotional resilience through pastoral counseling and financial assistance. ComBaSS is a member funded organization through membership enrollment and event triggered contributions.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section-1: Membership eligibility
Membership is open to all persons (of African heritage) willing and able to abide by the guidelines herein.
Applicants must be residing continuously in the United States of America for a period of at least Six (6) months at the time of enrollment.
Must be 18 of age or older
Documentation shall be required upon death of a member or rider for disbursement of ComBass Benefit.
Any applicant 65 years and above, must have a sponsor (son, daughter or relatives) also enrolled in the Program.
Section 2: Enrollment
a) Enrollment is open year-round and it is done by filling the application form on-line (Please visit our website, click on the “get involved” tap).
b) A one-time non-refundable registration fee of $25 shall be paid at registration; c) A certificate of enrollment prepared and duly signed by the Fund Administrator shall be issued to complete and confer membership once the complete registration amount is paid.
ARTICLE IV: Administrative structures and function
Section-1 The Board Of Directors:
The overall management of the Trust fund shall be vested in its Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, which will function in accordance with the following provisions;
(a) The Board shall consist of nine (9) members.
(b) The term of elected members to the Board shall be four (4) years renewable.
(c) Elections to the Board shall take place in the month of May of the election year.
(d) The Board shall set election modalities that are considered fair and transparent to all members.
(e) The Board members shall elect a Chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary.
(f) The chairperson shall conduct Board deliberations and in his/her absence, the vice chairperson shall assume those functions; the secretary shall record meeting minutes, including financial records.
(g) Decisions shall be agreed on and concluded by a simple majority of the votes.
(h) The Board shall meet twice a year (January and June) and also whenever there is an occurrence of a major event.
(i) The Board shall elect among its members, a Fund Administration to run the day-to-day activities of the Trust.
Section-2 The Fund Administrator
1. Fund Administrator,
a) The Fund Administration shall be elected by the Board and shall report to the Board. His/her tenure shall be four (4) years renewable once.
b) The Administrator shall run the day to day affairs of the Fund including potential member enrollments, disbursement of funds to beneficiaries, relevant communication with members and all other duties necessary for the smooth functioning of the Trust.
c) The Administrator shall receive an annual salary determined by the Board.
d) The Administrator shall present a comprehensive report to the Board at its biannual meetings.
2. The Financial Secretary,
A, He/she shall maintain proper financial records of ComBass
B He/ She shall collect monies or track payments into ComBass account
C, He/ she shall be one of the signatories to the Fund’s bank account.
D He/she shall present or submit bi annually financial statement to the Board.
E He/she shall prepare and present to the General membership an annual financial statement at the end of the financial year.